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Monthly Newsletter
Creating a format from these ideas was easy. Yes, at some points it does change, but generally, as editor of the newsletter, I like to follow a pattern when publishing it on the third Wednesday of each month.
Highlighting a teacher and describing how they utilize technology in the classroom is the first article that the readers will see each month. This is in hopes of other teachers gaining ideas as to how to use the same or similar technology in their classroom. After highlighting a teacher, if there are any technology announcements that are needed, those are done here too. A Schoology tip, which is our Learning Management System (LMS) is another component of the newsletter. In the 2016-2017 school year, Schoology was introduced to our district so demonstrating different tools to promote student learning has helped teachers become familiar with this system in an informal way. Any updates of current apps or any new apps are shared here as well. Below are all of the archived newsletters from the 2017 - 2018 school year and will continue to be updated each month.
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