Throughout my time in education I have continued to challenge myself in improving my connections to students, teachers, districts, and all stakeholders. As a Technology Training Administrator in the CIncinnati Public Schools district that currently has 36,000 students and 2500 teachers creating a smaller community and more relationships between colleagues has been particularly important for me to refine. Discover some of the ways that I have built more rapport in my large district. Highlighted within these pages are products I have created within Cincinnati Public Schools.
Tech Topics Newsletter
The idea of a monthly newsletter conspired when I saw teachers doing wonderful things in their classrooms and felt there should be somewhere to highlight them across the district. The monthly Tech Topics Newsletter was created. This was also an avenue where any current application updates could be told, as well as any new programs that teachers might not have heard of on their own could be shared.
Innovative Practices Conference
During the school 2014-2015 school year, I envisioned a summer tech conference that utilized our teachers to help their colleagues incorporate ways to use meaningful technology in the classroom. June 2015, the first CPS Technology Conference was born. The planning, organization, and execution of the Tech Conference required a lot of my time as well as others, but it was well worth it.
Online Professional Development
In our large district, we struggle with reaching all of our teachers. There are 57 schools and only two trainers. Therefore, my goal for the 2016-2017 school year was to start an online professional development course. The course would be a baseline training of our four essential application tools and grow as needed covering other tools and go a bit deeper into understanding the softwre programs.
Tech Truck
For trainings to happen within the Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) district, the teachers were asked to attend a central location after their teaching day. Depending on the subject matter of the training, the estimated length of the training sessions were two hours. This was one reason why we had limited attendance in our trainings.
The concept of going school-to-school in a vehicle that had all the equipment started to take shape. Teachers could come in prior to school, during lunch, during their plan bell, or after school to get training in a relaxed, welcoming environment. The ease of learning a program quickly and possibly even trying to incorporate that day was the hope of our conception. That vehicle became known as the Tech Truck.